
Moscow Mods?

That's right, Turns out Moscow, which has prettymuch everything you want in a big city, also has an underground Mod scene. The Vespa-worshipping, suit and dress clad hipsters take over clubs like Sixteen Tons and get old Mod revival bands travel from the other side of the iron curtain to provide the soundtrack for forgetting about everything and dancing your little booty off. Sixteen Tons is an amazing destination because its record collection is expansive and includes tons of rare vinyls whose music you'll never download on I-Tunes. DJ's here actually still spin records, and the crowd is small but energetic.

How did I stumble upon this Jewel? I have a friend who always seems to find the coolest people and the best music in any city.
Nope, you can't get away from SAIS'ers, we're everywhere and can't seem to stay away from one another. So George, Hodur and I found ourselves hanging out before going to the club, meeting locals and drinking beer in the park like everyone does on a Saturday night... Lets cut the niceties, I can't pretend it's only weekends that this takes place. This way to kill time and braincells occurs perpetually here and is not limited to nighttime, especially since it doesn't get dark here until like 11:00.
But after dinner in a cafe without a sign on the door (you have to 'just know'), 30 cent ice cream cones, and a good amount of cheap Baltika, or Redds on my part (the girly Russian beer that you have to have the proper chromosomes to drink), we went back in time as we stepped into the club, being offered free cigarettes from the good people at Lucky, and expanding our definition of good music as Secret Affair showed us that they can still rock a crowd.

If you want to know how I got home (safely, no less!!!!), ask me personally, some things would scare readers of this blog who have a tendancy to worry...

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