What? You mean I have to take Tests? I'm just here for the Gelato!
Mixed into that was trying to stuff in Russian vocabulary and grammar (what language needs 6 cases?). Here is an example of the wonderful exceptions and rules we get to contend with while studying the language of the Motherland:
If you are talking about one of something, you use the nominative singular case.
If you are talking about 2,3, or 4 things, you use genitive singular
If you want to discuss 5 or more things, you use genitive plural.
Yana, my Russian language teacher, told us once that maybe big decision makers at various points in history drank too much vodka , fell over, and said things incorrectly but because they're in charge it had to stick. Yep, another exception to the rule! Khorosho!
After completing my last midterm last Wednesday, I rushed home to pack a very small bag so as not to disobey Ryanair's regulations and Thursday afternoon, I flew to beautiful Germany!
As I landed, I could not get a rediculous grin off of my face. The cold air and falling rain were completely lost on me. I simply love that country and being surrounded by the old familliar things I had forgotten how much I adore... Apfelschorle, bars that serve each kind of beer in its own glass, bakeries around every corner, people who walk everywhere (and for fun!), things running on time, oh it goes on. I ran around the airport talking to everyone who would speak w' me. I was happy that my language skills, while horribly deteorated, still exist somewhere in the back hollows of my brain (trying to distinguish itself from the terrible Italian and Russian concepts that muddle my thoughts).
Perhaps the ticket is cheap, but it lands a passenger at Frankfurt Hahn's airport, about a zillion miles from anything but other Ryanair planes. To get anywhere, hop on a bus. Mine took me to Frankfurt's main train station (which is an hour and a half from Hahn... indicating that perhaps the first part of the airport's name is a bit of a stretch...). My bus ride was enhanced by the lady sitting next to me, a Mexican Mormon who had actually done her LDS mission work in Allentown, Pennsylvania... needless to say she had an interesting story to tell :)
Add a train ride to the mix, and finally I was in Stuttgart, walking down the train platform. People around me broke off from the herd as they found their friends and family and hugged them. I knew my hug was waiting at the end of the platform... yep, there it was! Aunt Mary was a willing provider. We took the S Bahn to her car and she drove me to her lovely place outside of the city.
That day, I rode in: A taxi, plane, underground, bus, train, and privately owned vehicle. Put John Candy and Steve Martin to shame ;)
The next day, I got the supreme honor of going onto the base and getting to experience the commisary! Oh the peanut butter! The beef jerkey! The concept that salads don't have to ALWAYS have balsalmic vinegar on them... wonders to be beheld. Dr. Pepper!
We had a lovely evening prepping for the next day, which was dominated (save a run and a trip to the Ritter Sport outlet- holla at ya Knusperkeks!) by getting ready for our Thanksgiving Day, observed. Snow joined us in afternoon and decorated the landscape, enhancing the festive nature even if we didn't have a parade to watch.
I made my first ever pumpkin pies (which I added some secret ingredients to, much to Aunt Mary's chagrin). Three guests joined us for a wonderful dinner party. Our gracious hostess made a champagne punch, and we began with pumpkin soup, followed by salads, followed by a very traditional meal... Turkey, mashed taters, cranberries, stuffing- cornbread and regular, green beans, and just to mix it up, some roasted veggies, Italian style with a balsalmic reduction (wonder who made that...). Oh it was fantastic and the company was wonderful.
The next day brought snow and a return trip, this time on Air France. I returned to Bologna refreshed and ready to take on another half of a semester. This Thanksgiving day, I am shirking tradition with friends... two of my girlies are hosting a middle-eastern themed dinner party. Not to worry, Student Government will be hosting a HUGE thanksgiving dinner on Saturday that will dominate the day... after of course I am out of Russian Politics class. Multi Cultural Thanksgivings! I am grateful to be here and have this opportunity.
I am thinking of each of you and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving day filled with TOO MUCH of everything: Family, football, food, pie, ice cream, walks, laughs, trivial persuit, parades, and naps!
Cheers and love to you!
Chocolate Festival!

We hopped on an over-crowded train early in the afternoon and had to stand for over an hour until our connection in an unknown city (the train out of our normal connection city was completely sold out by the time we tried to get our tickets that morning- this chocofest is serious business) and found a wonderful street market where we found wonderful mediterranean dried fruits and olives that provided some real substinance to the day.
Amazingly, we got a lot of schoolwork done on those long train rides and counted the entire day as a success. My roommates, who bailed at the last minute, were also most grateful as they were rewarded for their absence with treats :)
More about classes
Professor White is properly British. He always pronounces the "h" in words like "what" or "why." He makes witty observations- pointing out with a chuckle that "per capita" is like saying "per heads" rather than "per head"and should therefore be "per capot," but doesn't think this will catch on... ahahaha (yes, exactly 3 ha's from him).
He is brilliant and has studied subject extensively- having met with pretty much every influential Russian you could name and has a story about all of them. We are learning about what a democracy really is and whether Russia is moving towards this or away from it. The reading for this coming Friday is all about elections since the fall of the Soviet Union. I find it very interesting but am intimidated by the thought of taking a final on it all!
Hope everyone is recovering from election excitement- people here at SAIS went crazy and there is an air of excitement all about (if you ever wondered about the political sway of higher education... well lets just say this was bigger than the superbowl, world series (go phillies!) and olympics combined!). Cheers!

Tuscany... and olive grove... a stone house up a windy mountain road that overlooks the countryside... a brick oven... a hostess eager to utilize said oven... a host eager to share homemade blueberry grapa... I can't say much more than that.

Hard at work!

The evening affords the opportunity to see so many stars in the clear sky. Its so humbling to see different constellations and patterns than you are used to seeing on the East coast... and comforting at the same time to find the familliar ones from back home, even if they aren't where you are used to seeing them

Guess What?
Four days later, I was elected to the Student Government! I am so happy to report that I am class treasurer and chair of the Career Development committee. Meetings/luncheons/assemblies have dominated my time ever since and it's all just beginning! Still, I have the opportunity to do good things for my classmates and intend to give my all :)
In other representative democracy news, I voted today.
And Happy Happy Birthday to my beloved big brother :) You make 29 look fantabulous!
Where to start? I guess I can say a bit about my classes. They only take up 2 hours each a week, but actually require the majority of my waking moments.
I am taking 4 classes, auditing one, and taking a language course (which isn't for credit) because I must pass a Russian proficiency exam before I can get a degree in my dual concentration of International Economics and Russian and Eurasian Studies, with, if I can make it work, a specialization in Emerging Markets.
My four classes are: Macroeconomics, International Trade (another economics course), Contemporary Russian Politics, and Science, Technology, and International Affairs.
Macroeconomics is being taught this semester by a gentleman, Professor Elson, who is an economist rather than a professor. He is visiting for the semester from D.C. where he works for pretty much every influential economics organization in the District. He is an older man and very considerate. Because he is not a professor by trade, his lectures are absent of the normal banter professors have learned makes their lectures bearable, but his experience in the field brings a great perspective on a course that is so strictly theory (everything we learn is prefaced by "here are the assumptions for this model to work..."). It is a required course of everyone and while not the most enthralling, gives us a grounds to work on and the illusion we have some idea of what's going on with the financial crisis.
International trade theory is taught by an amazing man, Doctor Plummer. He is always on European television. Whenever there is a newsworthy event in the economic world, he is giving a perspective on it to some news source. This course is, again, a requirement of all of us to get our economics concentrations satisfied. It is great to have a course that makes logical sense and isn't solely based on readings and theory. Sometimes you brain gets burned out and you just want to draw an indifference curve rather than read another 50 page essay on the prerequisites for democracy!
Well, that's half of them, I believe I will save the rest for another post as not to bore any of you! Hope all is well and hope to hear from all of you soon :)
Fingerprints and cobwebs
As a bunch of in-shape students had to trot to keep up with the short, bald nearly elderly man who works at SAIS who was leading the way (he's all business!), we wondered if we would get to do impressions of Iraqi's voting and be covered with ink for the rest of the day. These thoughts were reinforced when we entered the big old building in which the office sits. The waiting area had been inhabited by spiders, who had left their evidence high above on the ceiling and a hole was in the stone outer wall, large enough for a pigeon to enter through.
Here comes the dichotomy of this city- infared machines read our fingerprints while the building crumbled around us. Ah fair Bologna, will you ever let us unravel your mystery?
Oh the plus side, there still is no real international fingerprint database, so I can still commit crimes in most of the world! Hooray!
Pisa Mezza Maritona!

I'll con a bunch of my friends into getting up at 5:30 am to run a half marathon through the tiny city! That'll be easy! Actually, after telling people about my fabulous time at the Bologna mezza martitona, it was easy to build enthusiasm.

And, I'll get a friend with a car to sweeten the pot! Enter Henrik, the German who came here from Austria (look at a map) so he was able to bring his VW station wagon and transport 4 ladies (this took an incredible amount of persuasion on my part, let me tell you...) .
Now, as a side note- Italy has rules for everything. To participate in a sport or join a gym, you need a note from a doctor saying you probably won't drop dead. If you want to compete in a sport, you need an exam from an official medical office, along with a urine test and an cardiovascular exam to say that you REALLY probably won't drop dead. Is a half marathon really competitive? According to the people we called a few weeks ago, it's not. According the the man in charge of the event, indeed it is. So some of us had the insufficient certifications and did not know if we'd have the chance to run legitimately. Luckily, when we got there, the staffers there didn't care if we had our proper certificates and gave us our numbers! Success! Our friend who had come the day before wasn't so lucky as he had to face the race official... but two blondes pleading our cases couldnt' have hurt our cause.
Pop! After incomprehensible italian announcements from a fuzzy loudspeaker, the gun sounded and just under 1,000 people set off down a straight tree lined road away from the park and towards the city.

An old stone wall surrounded the city and as we ran in under one of the gates, we were greeted by a baptismal, a church, and one tower most leaning! The rest of the city passed by in a few more kilometers. I ran with two lovely ladies, Kristen and Helena, and enjoyed my role as unofficial cheerleader. It was my first experience of running with an Ipod and I have to say I rather enjoyed it... not sure the girlies enjoyed being serenaded by my Bon Jovi rendition... but we really WERE both halfway there and livin' on a prayer!
After we had no more city to run through, the course took us across the river and through some lovely countryside. We passed some roadside stands, people on horseback, and magnificent views of forests, vineyards, and country homes. The end of the course brought us back to the straight road, which seemed much longer after 10 miles had passed. We crossed the finish line together in 2 hours, 1 minute and ten seconds. Some of our friends were already there waiting for us!
Afterwards, we enjoyed the free cookies, cakes, pasta (!), and fruit and collected our reward: a running outfit with shorts and a tank top with the name of the event. Our medals bear an impression of the leaning tower on the reverse side.
The weather this day was so lovely that we spent the next few hours lounging in front of the tower on the grass. Without a doubt, the best part of this was watching everyone setting up their pictures- trying to use perspective to look as thought they're holding up or pushing down the tower!

Of course, we were above such behavior...

Another reason to love Russia
Parmesiano Reggiano has been produced in this region for almost 800 years, and it used to take an apprentice 12 years to make his first wheel of cheese. The term "Parmesia

We walked up a street and bought a little of everything that looked good. Including sushi! Rachel got to sample her first Sake (it's also good to travel with someone of asian descent... I'm pretty sure this is why we got good Sake and only paid 3 euro total.
We made our way back to the park to share our delightful little picnic and enjoy the sunshine. Parma also has a wonderful park as well as museums. After making our way around a bit more, we took the train back.

Some other interesting finds included:

Bed coverings and pillow cases made us feel like we were finally making bedrooms truly ours and some much needed cooking accessories- like a dish drainer- made us feel better about our archaic but functional kitchen.
Ooooh yeah.
From there, we had to face the reality of classes beginning the next day and keep up with our readings, but it was a lovely way to spend the last weekend before the rigors of the academic year began.
And for the record, a week later, I still have some of that half kilo of cheese left... but I do believe I've found a way to eat some each day. It's fantastic.
A request for prayer
This morning I held my sobbing roommate and had no words. Her mother passed away last night. She had been ill but as far as Anastasia knew, her mom was recovering. Anastasia is Uzbeki but of Korean descent so the funeral is three days after the death, which means she won't be able to get home in time for the service. She is trying to see if she can even make it home before Christmas because of time and financial constraints.
"What am I going to do? I'm only 22. I need my mom." Wrapped up in ourselves and our agendas, it's so easy to forget how much we really need those who are ALWAYS on the sidelines cheering for us and ready to take the field when necessary. She lost one of hers at a critical moment in her life. I would ask each of you reading this to please take a moment and pray for her. After that, take another moment and forget all the crap you have on your plate and be grateful for those who got you where you are today. Then call your mom. I wish it weren't 6am in America because that's all I want to do right now.
Thank you.

But lets back up a bit...
My birthday technically started at midnight, where I salsa'd my way into my 26th year. Somehow word got out and a friend actually stopped the music and announced to the whole bar that my birthday had officially begun and the whole (basically populated by us) broke into song!
The following morning began what was one of the best birthdays I could ever imagine. After class, many amici joined me for a gelatto and I was treated by my two girls from the D.C. study group- the ever wonderful Rachel and Yumna. Nutella, praline, and mascarpone (now THAT'S a neopolitan!) adorned my cone with three colors and made me one happy girl as I sat in the sunlight near the town's famous two towers (one of which is leaning).
After spending the afternoon cleaning and preparing for my weekend visitors, I ventured out to Piazza Santa Stefano, one of the most beloved of the town's many piazzas, and the one I find to be the most beautiful.

Portico's make two diagonal sides to the triangular shaped area. Wine bars allow people to sit outside and enjoy the evening with aperitivi. The last side of the triangle is the old church- while there is a main facade that faces the piazza, four additional churches all join one another to make up the entire structure.

E-mail Address Change
If you have sent me a message in the last month or so and I haven't answered, please re-send it to this email addy and accept my apologies!

We found a self service place that overlooked the city in the galleria (the same meal on the ground floor of this building would have cost enough to take the train to and for the first time since getting here, I got to make my own salad! No olives!

Fun with Italian

Yes, I have been living here almost 4 weeks and just yesterday did I discover that there is a foot pedal at the base of said dumpster... Foot pedals! Brilliant!
Living in a new land is always a humbling experience. I have learned prettymuch every lesson the hard way or vicariously through friends. Look down when you run, they don't curb dogs here. Shop around for your soda/water/panini- the same thing costs something different even 20 meters apart on the same street. The list goes on and is far from complete!
The rest of the evening went without incident and we even got our homework done on the train ride home. No fewer than thirty of our classmates spent the following weekend doing just as we had done... except they all had backup plans. Sometimes the best things happen when everything goes wrong.
Contact Information!
Mail: Heather Kauffman
c/o Johns Hopkins University
Bologna Center
Via Belmeloro 11
40126 Bologna, Italy
My Cell Phone: (+39) 348-129-5085
If you are calling from a normal phone line, use 0039 and then the number, if you are using a calling card (a great option, they're very cheap), the you will be able to drop the 00 and just use 39 (Italy's country code)
John's Hopkin's Number: (+39) 051- 291- 7811
Email: Hkauffman09@jhubc.it
Mezza Maritona!
While we ran, we rather enjoyed giggling at the men wearing necklaces to add even more sparkle and shine to their chest hair than the sweat did. Also, men's shorts are a bit short on the runners here. We also found a man with a mullett that looked like the horrible love child of A.C. Slater and Will Ferrill. Shudders
We took tiny walk breaks every 4 kilometers, which made it very bearable. I could not believe, having never run further than 10K, I was able to run the full 21.5 without much difficulty and didn't even feel terribly stiff or sore afterwards or today. We did not have timing chips since we could't register, but our time was about 2 hours and 5 minutes. I wish I had a picture, but I did get a pendant which I will cherish forever. Here is the website, if you are interested: http://www.runtuneup.it/
The day's fun didn't end there, but I believe I will have to wait for another day. Hope all is well in the U.S.
Meet Heather Jetson...
Upon entering the bank, I had to hit a button whereupon a little clear cylinder opened up which was just big enough for me and my purse... and perhaps a small dog. The door proceeded to slide closed behind me and I realizee I was in a giant version of the capsule you use at the drive-up when going to the bank. I don't see any doors and begin to wonder which direction I will go. Will the glass before me open, allowing me to enter into the bank, or will I be subject to an Augustus Gloop-esque fate ala Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? The concept of being sucked into a world of chocolate did seem like a perferable alternative to going back to Italian lessons... however before I could contemplate my fate any further, the door opened and I made my transaction easily. However, I won't soon forget the sensation of feeling as though I would be whisked away...
It is a University town as well with Europe's oldest university (which sits smack next to SAIS) so students from around the world are starting to move in, as classes start in about 4 weeks for European students.
Yes, there are vespas everywhere and bicycles. It is reportedly a sport for the locals to steal bikes. I leanred today my Italian instructor has had hers stolen 29 times in her life! The cars and drivers are small and nuts. Pedestrians beware.
I am finally settled into an apartment, after three days at a very nice hotel. I will recommend anyone visiting stay at this establishment. Friendly staff, good recommendations, great room, and a superb breakfast each morning!
My apartment is about a two minute walk from the big park outside the city walls, on the southeast side of town. I can walk to school in about 15 minutes if I go quickly... but I like the sights too much so it's been taking closer to 25. My room overlooks the street, Via San Stefano, which has a reputation for being one of the more beautiful ones in the city. It has a big window and makes me choose between opening it to sleep in a decent temperature or sweating to get quiet for my slumber as the miles- long buildings reflect all sound. My friends and I who planned on living together unfortunately had a rather traumatic few days trying to find a place to rest our heads for the next nine months, and unfortunately had to split up. I am living with an Uzbek girl who will eventually be very useful when I switch my language instruction to Russian next month and an American whose Russian girlfriend is supposed to move in in a few weeks. I am fortunate though, two of the girls are still living in a hotel.
More about other topics of interest soon. Just to allay any worries, there is plenty of cappuccino, gelato, and cured meats everywhere and it is all wonderful. While Bologna isn't a paradise, it's certainly full of personality and most importantly, it's miles away from D.C.
Ciao for now!

I need to get out and explore a bit but I fear it will be short since I have not slept in approx. 30 hours. I will try to upload a photo soon. Fear not, I sipped a Guiness in the Dublin airport w' some classmates. 7am or not (ok it was 2am your time) I was going to have a draught! Brilliant!
I've been robbed!
Perhaps not, but when I got home on Sunday evening, everything was gone! My couch is now living temporarily with the Zucker family. The rest of my possessions are a little confused. They are back in my parents' house, but next door to the bedroom they made my own for many years. My whole life fits into a small spare room and you can still move around.
Saturday, I learned about gratitude when my parents and Brian gave up their whole day to move all that is mine. I rewarded them with a little help from the Colonel. Dad and Glen L. provided the after dinner libations.
So now I am sleeping on an air mattress with the wrong size sheets (I use the flat one as the bottom and the fitted one on top because it is too small!) Getting it inflated was fun... especially when your dad equips you with a malfunctioning pump that doesn't even fit the mattress valve. Good thing Brian is full of... well you know where I'm going with that. Giggle. The living room has pillows to sit on and a TV on the floor. It looks like hippies took up residence.
Vinnie was pretty ticked off at me but Friskies saved the day with delicious beef and liver pate.
Other than that, Pre Term, aside from having taken over my life and free time, is going very well and in a week I will be finished with my final! Cheers!
So, Pre-term, Eh?
Anyhoo, here is a little outline of economics, translated for all of us who have been out of the classroom for a while: http://youtube.com/watch?v=VVp8UGjECt4
Many cheers, eh!
Details about the next month
Wednesday, July 16: My last day as a Platts staffer
Monday, July 28: First day at SAIS where I begin my pre-term in Microeconomics at the D.C. Campus
Wednesday, August 27: I leave D.C. for Bologna at 7:00 PM, taking the luck o' the Irish with me as I fly on Aer Lingus
Friday, August 29: My first day of intensive Italian classes during the Bologna Pre Term.
Stay tuned, next post after something fun happens. Cheers!